In January 2025, rents will be able to rise by 2.2%. The first rental price update index (IRAV) establishes this percentage. It's one of the premises of the Housing Law that aimed, among others, to regulate rental contracts. The goal is to avoid disproportionate increases in rents.
...continue reading "What Is The IRAV, The Rental Price Index, and How Does It Work?"Procedures After Buying a Home in Spain: a Practical Step-by-Step Guide
Moving into a new home or second residence is exciting. The efforts spent looking for a house and negotiating to take out a mortgage are behind us. But it doesn't end there. Besides, we must handle other procedures to avoid fiscal, legal or administrative problems.
...continue reading "Procedures After Buying a Home in Spain: a Practical Step-by-Step Guide"How Much Can Landlords Raise the Rent in 2025? A New Index for Rent Update
The Housing Law, which came into force in March 2023, introduced important reforms. One of them was the rental price update-index. This indicator indicates how much rents can rise from 2025 onwards, and its main lines are already defined.
...continue reading "How Much Can Landlords Raise the Rent in 2025? A New Index for Rent Update"New ECB Rate Cut: How Does it Affect the Real Estate Market?
The new ECB rate cut, the fourth in 2024, is good news for the real estate market. With the reduction in interest rates by 25 basis points, the price of money is 3%. However, along with this decision by the European Central Bank came another news that was not so positive: the reduction in economic growth expectations for the Eurozone.
...continue reading "New ECB Rate Cut: How Does it Affect the Real Estate Market?"Public Housing Company in Spain: What is this New State Project All About?
Access to housing, whether owned or rented, has become one of the biggest concerns at a social level. The latest barometer of the Centre for Sociological Research (CIS) shows that Spaniards perceive it as the second major problem in the country.
In this context, the creation of a public housing company was recently announced. Its purpose, in the words of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, is to build and manage housing from the General State Administration.