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Apartment rental in A Coruña by Egue y Seta

1. Apartment rental in A Coruña e1436947156786 - Apartment rental in A Coruña by Egue y Seta

From the architects. The Real state market for rental housing is highly competitive, full of vices and most of its advertisement pieces sound like siren calls. None of these, nevertheless, lack explanation: Property owners are bound to invest with caution, they need to hit the target of particular taste of a potential but undetermined client, but most importantly they seem to be obliged to prescribe furniture and finishes tested against the most indolent of lifestyles.

2. Apartment rental in A Coruña e1436947172812 - Apartment rental in A Coruña by Egue y Seta

But, in spite of all these, when tackling the design of housing units for rent, can we continue to project them as if we were talking about empty, anodyne and mute containers? Can we still say that not doing anything, not decorating, or not opting for any choice are still the only available strategies when trying to be liked by all or to displease no one?

3. Apartment rental in A Coruña e1436947194690 - Apartment rental in A Coruña by Egue y Seta

Even when tight budgets are the standard imposed by very high competitiveness, are we hopelessly doomed to prescribe sloppy, ordinary or out-dated interior design schemes? if we aiming for young tenants, students or workers, do we forcefully need to appoint everything disposable , the cheap or of the lowest quality?

4. Apartment rental in A Coruña e1436947208650 - Apartment rental in A Coruña by Egue y Seta

With their latest residential project “Coruña for Rent” Egue y Seta wanted to stand up to these challenges and respond to all previous issues with a resounding but cheerful “no”. The resulting project attempts to reconcile eyes with pockets, proposing spaces of a decidedly young, urban and flexible appeal, which, money wise has proved tremendously feasible for the owners.

5. Apartment rental in A Coruña e1436947221705 - Apartment rental in A Coruña by Egue y Seta

6. Apartment rental in A Coruña e1436947234247 - Apartment rental in A Coruña by Egue y Seta

In short, this house renovation, its finishes, its selected furniture and general styling tries to stick to the logic of rental, appealing to a young but general taste, while showing that it is possible to decorate with caution, to invest wisely, to bet without losing and to get “wet” without drowning.

7. Apartment rental in A Coruña e1436947255555 - Apartment rental in A Coruña by Egue y Seta

8. Apartment rental in A Coruña e1436947274938 - Apartment rental in A Coruña by Egue y Seta

9. Apartment rental in A Coruña e1436947312890 - Apartment rental in A Coruña by Egue y Seta

10. Apartment rental in A Coruña e1436947330465 - Apartment rental in A Coruña by Egue y Seta

11. Apartment rental in A Coruña e1436947355188 - Apartment rental in A Coruña by Egue y Seta

12. Apartment rental in A Coruña e1436947374186 - Apartment rental in A Coruña by Egue y Seta

13. Apartment rental in A Coruña e1436947394197 - Apartment rental in A Coruña by Egue y Seta

Photos: Vicugo Foto

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