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Home heating: Tips to optimize its use

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With the arrival of cold and low temperatures, it is time to start the radiators in our house. In Spain, heating represents 47% of the energy consumption of a home, according to data from the Institute for Diversification and Energy Saving (IDAE) there are many doubts that arise about heating, therefore, its use should be optimized and learn from the tricks of the experts to minimize the expense involved.

The first question arises when choosing the right temperature for the home. The optimum comfort temperature is between 21 and 23 degrees. Although this is ideal, each person has their optimum temperature and, while for some, 21 degrees may seem cold, for others, it may seem sufficient.

First of all, we must check that the system and the boilers work well, purge radiators and then install a thermostat if we want the economic impact to be the least possible. It also helps good insulation of the home both in its construction and afterwards with renovations and works, changing windows or, through other resources easier to place such as weatherstrips, blinds or carpets.

Purge the radiators. Before turning on the system, it is convenient to purge the radiators so that they work in the best possible way and thus avoid burning more energy than is necessary to produce heat. In the Organization of Consumers OCU they point out that to know if the purging is necessary, it is necessary to attend to if strange noises are heard inside the radiator or if the upper part is colder than the lower one.

Biomass boiler. In IDAE they recommend the change to the biomass boiler since it is started up with a cheaper and ecological fuel than the traditional ones. Biomass is an excellent option for its combination with solar thermal energy for hot water production, heating and air conditioning.

Revisions in term. The review of the boiler is mandatory every two years, while the complete inspection of the entire system must be done every five years. From IDAE clarify that the revisions in term along with the annual purging of radiators allow to save up to 15% of energy per year.

Install thermostats and timers. They advise to program the heating so that it is put into operation before arriving at the house or maintaining the stable temperature with a thermostat, some measures that can lead to a saving of 8-13% of the cost in heating. In fact, in IDAE they recommend keeping the house at 21 degrees since a temperature of 21 degrees is enough for the environment to be comfortable and they affect that each additional degree increases consumption by 7%, which means adding 30 euros Annual receipts.

Only in rooms where necessary. Experts bet on using heating only in rooms or spaces that are used daily to avoid unnecessary waste of energy. They also believe that it is better to delay the ignition and remember that many times the first reaction to the cold is usually to turn on the heating when, sometimes, it is enough to shelter a little more.

Turn it off at night. In IDAE they advocate turning off the system at night since when you are lying down and wrapped, heating is not necessary and at 15-17ºC it is enough to sleep comfortably. Thus, in IDAE they consider that turning off the heating at night and turning it on a few minutes before getting up is much more efficient than leaving it on while we are asleep. Maintaining a fixed temperature - for example, 20ºC - requires a continuous supply of energy due to heat losses that occur in walls, roofs, windows or doors, and that must be compensated.

Consumer homes almost null. The construction of this type of housing will be mandatory in Spain from 2021. By improving the thermal insulation and ventilation of indoor air, energy savings in new buildings will reach 80% or 90% depending on their characteristics. Thanks to the cross ventilation systems, in these buildings it will not be necessary to open the windows to ventilate and therefore no interior heat will be lost. They also emphasize ensuring thermal insulation of facades, as it allows reducing up to 70% of air leaks with the consequent energy savings.

Manual isolation. If you do not have a bioclimatic house, you can opt for manual insulation measures such as sealing doors and windows or installing weather strips to prevent heat from escaping and cold. It is also useful to change windows for ones with thermal break and double glass with an intermediate air chamber. Decoration items such as carpets also help retain the heat that is generated inside the home.

Compare rates. It is essential to take the following into account when comparing natural gas or electricity rates: whether they offer renewable energy or not, the periodicity of the payment of the fee, the maintenance of the price for the entire duration of the contract, the permanence of the contract and if it is worth a time discrimination fee.

Thermal bonus. This heating aid will be financed this year with 80 million euros from the General State Budget (PGE) that will be received by those who were beneficiaries of the social bond as of December 31, 2018. These amounts to help pay the heating and hot water range from 25 to 123.94 euros.

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