The Mosque of Cordoba is one of the most precious architectural wonders in Spain
The Cathedral within the Mosque of Cordoba is located in the historic center of the city and shows a mixture of different architectural styles, as it was built and modified over nine centuries.
The most impressive is certainly its Moorish architecture, one of the most beautiful examples of this art in Spain. When one approaches the modest facade one hardly can imagine to find in its interior one of the greatest monuments of all the country. British author Gerald Brenan wrote: it is the most beautiful and original building of all Spain.
With an extension of 23.000 square meters it is the third-biggest mosque in the world. Its construction started in the year 785 and initiated the so-called Califal style, which combined Roman, Gothic, Byzantine, Syrian and Persian elements. This style dominated all the Moorish-Hispanic architecture of the centuries to come, up to the Mudéjar-style of Moors living in Spain after it was reconquered by Christians. Works took 234 years, so the original Gothic style is combined with Baroque and Renaissance elements Remarkable are the Cardinal's Chapel and its treasure, including a monstrance of Enrique de Arfe, an ivory crucifix of Alonso Cano and important sculptures and paintings.
Relation link: Properties in Córdoba city