The Spanish National Energy Museum proclaims sustainability and renewable energy.
The Spanish National Energy Museum will be built out of the ruins of two old and isolated nuclear plants in Leon.
If you take a look of the images of the current state of these nuclear plants, you can't but think this is the perfect metaphor. Proclaiming sustainable energy on the ruins of nuclear plants.
The Idea
The creation of the National Energy Museum in Ponferrada fulfills different needs:
At a national level it was evident the importance to educate an spread the knowledge about such a strategic theme for the future.
The birthplace of what was the national energy corporation was symbolic and strategic at the same time: the regions of "El Bierzo" and "Laciana" are perfect to explain the past, the present and the future of energy due to their industrial heritage, the presence of renewable energies infrastructures and the Compostilla Project. At the same time the museum wants to become a pole for attracting tourism and spreading its benefits throughout the two regions.
Since the beginning the idea was not to create a typical four-walled museum, but to use all the endowment of the two regions to create different educational and leisure experiences in order to give visitors the possibility to have an educative and pleasant experience.
Park Museum
The heart of the museum will be the "Park Museum". It is an area of the city of Ponferrada that had a great importance in the industialization of the regions and that until recently had been abandonated. The museum will regenerate the area creating a new space for the city. In the park museum there will be tree main infrastuctures: Ene.central, Ene.térmica and Ene.bosque.
The park museum will be the gateway for the visitors. From there they could plan a visit of other different tourist attractions located in different parts of the regions and that form what we call "Territorio Museo" that can be roughly translated in "Territory Museum".