Embedded right into the foothills of Sierra Morena in Villarrubia, Córdoba, ‘Casa Tierra’ is carved right into the sloping strata of limestone. Inside the hidden cave retreat, the characteristics and rough texture of the calcarenite stone is apparent and celebrated throughout. The interior spaces are sculpted around this natural formation and the results is a strong sense of enclosure combined with spacious, natural light filled spaces.
Via designboom
Photos: Caja de Luz
(Visited 709 times, 52 visits today)
Very nice design, looks stunning!!
Is this available?
Hi Phillip! It's available for holiday rental: http://www.cuevasdelpino.com/en/
Kind regards!
any tourist attractions in the city cordoba?
Hi, Córdoba is an historic arabian city, it has a lot of tourist attractions like Arab baths, Mezquita, Judería... etc If you want more information about this city you can get here >> http://english.turismodecordoba.org/index2.cfm Kind regards!