Employment rates have been increasing in Spain since the crisis began in 2008, currently reaching 90,000 occupied homes. Of these, 50% are real estate that is for sale. These data concern, above all, owners of second homes or holiday homes, more likely to be occupied. Evicting a house entails not only an economic loss (it is estimated that the costs of recovering it can amount up to 2,500 euros) but also of time since in the worst of scenarios it can take up to a year to be able to re-enter it. In this post, we detail a series of tips to avoid this problem.
During the summer months. The months of July and August are critical moments. In these months it is better to remove it if the house is empty. If we have home automation in the house we must program it to lower and raise the blinds or turn on the lights at certain times to give the feeling that the house is busy, there is also a low-cost option to this home automation that would install a timer that goes to the plug so that the lamps that are seen from the street are lit for a while every day.
Do not give exact addresses on rental websites
The web of rent and sale of most known homes are public and are open to anyone who is surfing the internet. Even if you have to indicate the area and even the street, avoid putting the exact number and floor to avoid raids.
Anti-break windows
Especially interesting for low houses with many windows. The windows are very vulnerable points of the house and having special glass hinders and even prevents raids.
Install an alarm system
Alarm systems have proven to be the best remedy against the occupation. The video surveillance systems are clear evidence that the house has been occupied by force and its images allow eviction directly without going through judicial processes. Having this device, together with the sticker indicating that it is installed, fulfils an important dissuasive function.
Simulate that the house is inhabited
It is necessary to try to make the house look occupied. For that, the doorman and the neighbours can be the best allies. Watering plants, collecting mail or closing and opening blinds is a task that can make a difference in terms of the appearance of habitability of a home for sale.
Social networks
Be careful with these spaces, because they pose a danger if the owners share information on them of their vacations. If the house is empty you have to avoid publishing where you are on vacation until you have returned. Here, it's important that we be smart since we risk the safety of our house
Reinforced door
The armoured doors are a great complement to the alarms since their opening is much more complicated than any normal door. Investing in it does not guarantee 100% the non-occupancy of the property, but it is always dissuasive and will make entry to housing more complicated.
Help from neighbours and relatives
Neighbours or relatives can be of great help when we ourselves can not take charge of our vacation home or to take care of our home while we are on vacation.