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Keys of the open house: What is it? How to organize one?

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Selling a home is not easy, that's why innovation in real estate marketing strategies is becoming more frequent, one of the many strategies consists of organizing an open house. This is a technique that we know, above all, through the movies. In Spain we are more used to seeing these days of open doors in public buildings, but it is also used for the sale of homes. In this post we will detail what an open house consists of and how to plan an event successfully.

An Open House or open doors in Spanish, we can define it as a real estate marketing technique that was invented in the United States. It consists of opening the house for sale to the public in a relaxed atmosphere, even entertaining visitors with a snack, to capture their attention and achieve an offer to buy.

Unlike traditional visits, the essence of open house is based on the fact that the buyer does not have to make any prior appointment to visit the house and also allows the real estate group to show the property to as many potential buyers as possible. simultaneous So the chances of receiving a purchase offer increase considerably.

To carry out a successful open house there are some important steps that your agency, or real estate group, should take into account when planning the day:

Conditioning of housing

It is the first step and the most essential that we have to accomplish before opening the doors of our home to any visitor is to condition it to look its best. This basic conditioning does not only consist in cleaning thoroughly. It may also be necessary to redistribute furniture, place some lamps in strategic places, replace old curtains, etc. It is very important that the property becomes an object of desire. We must ensure that our potential buyers fall in love and visualize themselves within the spaces.

Selection of the right day

To make an open house successful, you must choose the day well to make the day. In general, open houses are usually held on weekends, this helps the assistance of potential buyers is not compromised by working hours. It is important to take into account the weather forecasts for that day, which can directly influence the number of people attending the day. Customer Service

Good impressions make the difference.

Many of the people who attend this type of conference seek to feel cared for and informed. The quality of this service can directly influence the purchase decision of the property by the interested party or maybe does not mean that you buy, but will speak well of the organization of the event.

Advertise the event in advance

Improvisation has no place in the organization of an open house. It is essential to have an action plan to avoid mistakes. When it comes to organizing the open house is key to have a good schedule. Fifteen days before we have to start an advertising campaign in traditional media, neighborhood stores and the Internet. The most common means are, press releases, real estate websites, social networks, press advertisements, posters, brochures, databases and telemarketing.

Make a Difference

The main difference between an open house and the concerted visit is found in the results. The objective is to increase the number of visits in less time and make the housing known. This increase in visits does not translate into the sale of the house that day, but it does increase the number of people interested in the property in the following weeks.

Mentality in the buyers

This marketing technique requires a change of mindset in buyers and sellers because it is something we are not used to. In addition, commercial agents must be well trained to know how to transform visits into subsequent negotiations, because it is not easy to make offers to buy in an open house.

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