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primer plano mano que sostiene llaves modelo casa madera contra fondo azul 23 2148038680 - What to expect from the real estate market in Spain during the next months of 2019?

The sale of homes in Spain fell almost 19% last June, according to those of the Council of Notaries. The causes of the growing current fear of investing in housing, according to some experts, lie in the lack of government and the entry into force of the current mortgage law. Therefore, it is worth asking what factors will mark the Spanish real estate market in the remainder of 2019.

The Spanish economy is expected to grow 2.3% at the end of this year, according to the forecasts already managed by the Government and to which the International Monetary Fund (IMF) itself points. Therefore, both investors and individuals can face these last months as a good time to consider buying a property. What to expect in recent months?

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flag 3370970 960 720 - Real estate trends in Europe for 2019

The consultant PwC and Land Urban Institute have published the report trends of the real estate market in Europe for 2019. The investors surveyed believe that 2019 will begin to have a certain slowdown in real estate investment. The Brexit is one of the main reasons.

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salon con sillon verde y arbolitos a los lados 00452030 o 82905ea2 848x708 - Trends in decoration 2019

What will bring us the year 2019 in terms of decoration? More colour, decorative ceilings, handcrafted pieces and natural fibres. Also, blush shades... In this post we discover the deco trends for next year and go to fashion

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