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planear la compra de una casa en 2022 previsiones en el mercado de vivienda 1 - Planning the Purchase of a Property in 2022: Forecasts in the Housing Market

The evolution of home sales in Spain has provided positive figures in 2021. According to the latest data published by the National Institute of Statistics (INE), in October 2021, the number of operations exceeded 46,200, 22.2% more in the interannual rate.

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por que invertir en vivienda un activo refugio incluso en tiempos de crisis sanitaria 1 - Why invest in real estate: a safe-haven asset even in times of sanitary crisis

In times of crisis, investors look for safe values, such as housing. And, although the beginning of the pandemic meant uncertainty in terms of real estate operations, the market is, little by little, recovering.

...continue reading "Why invest in real estate: a safe-haven asset even in times of sanitary crisis"