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Redeem the Mortgage When is it Convenient - Redeem the Mortgage: When is it Convenient?

Redeeming the mortgage means advancing the payment of the property's mortgage loan. This payment in advance can be total or partial, and in the latter case, it is possible to reduce the instalment or the deadlines. The best time and way to do it not only depends on liquidity. It is essential to consider some aspects before deciding.

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Comprar casa sin hipoteca cuales son tus opciones - Buying a house without a mortgage: what are your options?

Bank interest rates have broken historic lows in recent months. However, the increasing demands of banks and the expenses associated with mortgage loans are pushing more and more buyers to consider the possibility of buying a house without a mortgage.

This option has significant advantages. On the one hand, we avoid commissions and expenses associated with bank financing. On the other, it's a time-saver, as we won't need to carry out all the necessary procedures to obtain and sign the mortgage. And, finally, it is easier to negotiate conditions with the seller and make a profit.

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casas madera miniatura flecha roja abajo 72572 906 1 - Reasons why the housing market is slowing down

The price of housing no longer grows as before. The bulky double-digit increments have long since been abandoned. In addition to this contraction, other fundamental market indicators, such as mortgages and sales, are registering a different evolution, moving from the negative to the positive terrain or vice versa from one month to another. The confluence of internal and external factors is making a dent in the sector.

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bolsa simbolo dolar escudo proteccion 72572 1036 - Five aspects of the nullity of mortgage guarantees

Endorsing a mortgaged person is a really important commitment. Do not forget that, in the event of non-payment of the loan, respond with your present and future assets. Under normal conditions, the guarantor cannot lose anything to fear, but the crisis of a few years ago showed us that a person may be responding to his debt one day and losing his job and staying in the street the next day, having lost his home and that of the guarantor, in addition to having this to continue paying. In this post, we detail issues such as when the endorsement would disappear and when they might have no doubts.

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subasta propiedades mano mujer martillo madera modelo casa abogado bienes raices concepto propiedad propiedad 106094 18 - New mortgage law in Spain: changes and novelties

On Sunday, June 16, the new mortgage law in Spain entered into force, obliging the entities to assume the expenses of notary, agency and registry, among others. This will save the client an average of between € 500 and € 1000. In this post, we detail everything you need to know about the new mortgage law.

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