In January 2025, rents will be able to rise by 2.2%. The first rental price update index (IRAV) establishes this percentage. It's one of the premises of the Housing Law that aimed, among others, to regulate rental contracts. The goal is to avoid disproportionate increases in rents.
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Rental in Stressed Areas: Reforms that Will Allow a Rise in the Price
One of the novelties included in the New Housing Law is the possibility of declaring stressed areas and, with it, the limitation of rental prices and the application of a reference index for new contracts.
Despite this, the regulations also include the possibility that owners can increase rental income in stressed areas by up to 10%. They can do so in new contracts. That's not available for large holders.
...continue reading "Rental in Stressed Areas: Reforms that Will Allow a Rise in the Price"New Rental Index: Reference for New Lease Contracts
The Housing Law approved in 2023 introduced a significant change: the possibility of regulating the price of rentals in stressed areas. The aim is to facilitate access to housing in those areas where demand is much higher than supply. Almost a year after the publication of the law, the new rental index has already come into force.
...continue reading "New Rental Index: Reference for New Lease Contracts"Stressed Rental Areas: What the Housing Law Establishes
Access to housing has become one of the major concerns for a good part of the population living in Spain. At this point, the new Housing Law has introduced new features to regulate rental prices. One of these measures is the declaration of stressed areas.
...continue reading "Stressed Rental Areas: What the Housing Law Establishes"Will Rental Housing Prices Rise in 2024? Limits and New Developments to Consider
Knowing how much the rent price can rise is one of the biggest concerns for tenants when the rent update date approaches. Although there are limitations to rent increases, 2024 begins with some significant changes we should assess.
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