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Las Canteras beach Las Palmas de Gran Canaria e1497279412730 - The food poisoning scam that Brits are using for a free Spanish vacation

It’s the ultimate traveler fantasy: a seaside vacation with an all-inclusive hotel deal, and everything free of charge. As it turns out, many British visitors have made this a reality in recent years, thanks to ...continue reading "The food poisoning scam that Brits are using for a free Spanish vacation"

Málaga 2 e1494248601417 - Number of planned new homes on Málaga coast shoots up by over 250 per cent in a year

The Costa’s real estate sector has got off to a strong start this year, new data shows.

In figures released this week by the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos -the official body in Malaga that certifies architects’ plans for new buildings - its experts approved 1,397 new flats or houses in ...continue reading "Number of planned new homes on Málaga coast shoots up by over 250 per cent in a year"

El Retiro Madrid 2 - Spain's tourism industry ranked as the most competitive in the world

For the second time in a row, its tourism sector ranked as the most competitive in the world, according to the World Economic Forum, ...continue reading "Spain’s tourism industry ranked as the most competitive in the world"

Málaga 6 e1488795923221 - Andalucía sees big increase in foreign tourists in JanuaryGovernment statistics have shown that there were 15 per cent more foreign tourists in Andalucía in January compared to the same month last year.
...continue reading "Andalucía sees big increase in foreign tourists in January"


Spain has shattered its own tourism record for the seventh year in a row: 75.3 million foreign visitors made their way to the country in 2016. That’s 7.2 million more than in 2015, for a rise of 9.9%, Menorca 300x225 - Spain shattered its own tourism record in 2016according to early figures from Spain’s Energy and Tourism Ministry.

Visitors to Spain in 2016 shelled out a total of €77 billion, up 8.3% from 2015 figures, while average per capita spending was €1,023 for a more modest rise of 3.75%. The average daily amount spent by visitors was €138, some 6.5% higher than a year earlier.
...continue reading "Spain shattered its own tourism record in 2016"